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In an organisation of health and social care several kind of issues arises which are unpredictable by the entrepreneur or manager or any member are identified as contemporary constraints. Further, suck kind issues are highly affects to the smooth functioning of overall business process in adverse manner. The present case is based on the National Health Services (NHS) company which is operating in health and social care industry and provide wide range of services across the world. The report emphasises on various source or ways which are helps to NHS in order to reach contemporary issues and health related information up to local community. In second task it focuses on attitudes as well as behavior of people in context to health and social care. Further, it looks upon various kinds of perspectives which are highly related to issues of health and social care. At the end of study, it imparts on consequence of various kinds of contemporary issues at the workplace of NHS.
It is very necessary for each and every business to aware people or local community of the country where it operates regarding services and products provided by it. In context to health and social care there various number of diseases occurs and it is necessary for people to know about this. When the local community of UK aware about regarding several diseases then they become highly beneficial in order to care their health (Cherry and Jacob, 2016). In order to provide several information which are related to health and social care to people there are many sources are used by National Health Services. The firm highly requires and need to provide informations about diseases like diabetes, obesity, jaundices, cancer, abuse etc. There are contemporary issues occurs in NHS are such as cutting in budget, problems related to financing, scandals etc. For reach health and social careâs information the management of NHS uses several sources.
Local community of the UK aware about different diseases by using general practitioners, newspapers, internet, documentaries, television, word of mouth, magazines, social media networks, books, articles, journals, leaflets, radio, poster etc. In the present era, most of the people use internets due to which social media networks are provide information up to greater extent. In addition to this various social workers, nurses, teachers of science, school nurses, compounders of hospital etc. are also play an important role in order to reach information which is necessary to know by people. Apart from such sources there are government as well as non government institutes and organisations are also helpful and responsible in order to reach such information up to local community of UK (Brett and et.al., 2014). such kind of organisations are like as world health organisation agency of health protection, disease control centre etc.
Various information related to health and social care are disseminate or spread among local community of UK with the help of different sources like as newspaper, internet, magazines, publications, leaflets, social media sites, television websites which are related to health etc. By using such ways or techniques the NHS is highly able to success to make aware them in effectual manner. Among such all techniques there are newspaper and social media are one of the most effective ways by which proper message coveys to people (Reisch, Eberle and Lorek, 2013). In the present times every human uses internet and highly active on several social media sites like as Facebook, twitter etc. Due to this every people are highly aware in proper manner. Apart from this most of the local community read newspaper on daily basis hence the respective techniques are highly profitable for the NHS. Further, television spread knowledge about various diseases along with videos and audio as well. Hence, it is also one of the best tools to disseminate and convey appropriate message among the people.
In context to this, another best technique for aware people is to organise various campaigns, events as well as seminars by which NHS provide information in direct way. For such programs it can take help of government agencies which deal in health sector, social organizations and NGO institutes etc (Rhodes, Battin and Silvers, 2012).
When the NHS going to spread health and social related information to the people then kind of presentation plays an important role. Way of conveying message is depend on requirements as well as preference of the community in which they are segregated on the basis of various demographic elements such as age, lifestyle, education, gender, marital status etc. In order to spread information to the children the NHS has to use cartoons, animated pictures and videos, bright colors etc (Barbour and et.al., 2012). which have effective sound as well as visual effects. In context to this, while spreading health and social care information up to old age people the management of NHS has to use different traditional advertising methods. Such techniques include radio, television, newspapers, pamphlets etc.
Apart from this, young age of people preferred and attract towards those advertises which are given on social sites and networks like as Facebook, twitter etc. When NHS gives informations using different social medias then it can attract to them and aware up to higher level. In addition to this style and font of color, using various pictures as well as level of language is also one of the significant for giving appropriate message (Culhane and et.al., 2013). For the old age people NHS has to use local language but in case of young and educated people it can use high level of English to provide message regarding health and social care.
Media having a great impact on the people and helps to provide various information related to diseases and health care sector also. In this case NHS going to provide information related to obesity then newspapers as well as television both are effectual and proper technique. With the help of television local community can know that due to which kind of reasons obesity occurs in the people (Gabe and Monaghan, 2013). The disease spreads widely and rapidly in the people because of increasing habit of taking fast food and beverages etc. TV gives information along with audio and video both by which every age of people can determine reasons and impact on obesity. Higher the obesity leads to create various diseases like heart problem, blood pressure, thyroid etc. Apart from this by using social media young age of people are highly influence and determine causes of such disease.
It is essential for the health and social care organizations, like NHS to provide reliable and valid information to the people on which they can believe. However, looking to the practical world, it is often seems that media tools that are used by the organizations does not always render factual and material content which leads to increase panic and stereotyping. Therefore, it becomes important for the health care service providers to address their responsibilities towards community by rendering reliable, valid and authentic information about their service delivery quality and system.
In such regards, reliability is regarded as the level of accuracy and trustworthiness of the information which is rendered by the NHS using media tools. Greater the level of prominency makes content more valid & accurate. Reliability & validity can be ensured by finding the source of data, issuance of information and how it is presented to the public as well. As already said earlier, that NHS is a publicly funded enterprise, therefore, its report are published under governmental bodies or pressure groups, thus, it might be possible that they intends to publish only those things in the report which is admirable and praiseful activities. In such case, media owners will have great impact on the reliability & validity (Ubel, 2016).
Moreover, political agendas which is published and presented by the nationalist and socialists may be modified and altered as per their interest. It may mislead the actual contents and material facts in distinctive manner. However, on the critical note, UK Health Ministryâs information regards legislations and policies are considered more reliable in comparison to those which is obtained and derived from the pressure group (McFarlane and et.al., 2017). For instance, NHS can plan health promotional plan to serve the people by collaborating and integrating their activities with the statutory bodies. In such case, public health promotion will be top priority off the organization without any favoritism. On the basis of it, it becomes clear that owner of the source of media, ideology, other organizational pressure on media have a significant level of impact over content quality, authenticity, reliability and validity in dissemination of information to the community.
In the modern days, there are number of health issues that can be founded i.e. behaviourial issues and negative behavior of the patients. It becomes necessary for the NHS to effectively address the issues in different perspectives for improving the life expectancy of the patients. For instance, in UK, there are rising number of people who are suffering from the health issues due to their addictive habits i.e. smoking. During the period of treatment, they face several issues in utilizing the prevention ways to get rid of such habit. It is founded that many-times, although, smokers wanted to fight against their addiction habit but they experienced problems even if they are psychologically strong. Smoking causes health sufferings in the terms of heart diseases blood circulation, lung problems and others.
In accordance with the social cognitive theory, childrens and teenagers learn smoking habits from their adults as they are strongly influenced by their habits. This is the only reason behind drastic increase in smokers among teenagers. However, NHSâs health care experts and professionals experience a different perspectives as they want to find out unique ways to provide best cure treatment to the patients to get rid of smoking habit (McFarlane and et.al., 2017). Government and statutory bodies like Health Ministry take actions for the health promotion and welfare of the public to reduce the smoking spreadness at a faster pace. Therefore, they conduct health and promotional campaign and provide consultation services also i.e. smoking cessation programs and charge taxes on tobacco containing goods to charge high rates and thereby minimize its uses.
There are variety of sources which can be used to gather information about the health care issues. Health care professionals in NHS preferred developed experiments and investigations and also get consultation services to generate reliable source of data. Over the time, with the advancement of technological innovations, healthcare experts started using advanced researches and latest media tools i.e. mass-media for the betterment of the society. On the other side, in the previous times, people were read newspapers as a major source of information, however, during the current era, they access web, online channel and television also to know about different services provided by NHS to cure their diseases (Mayer, Nasso and Earp, 2017). Internet provide latest and updated content to the people and they are also copyrighted which assure its reliability aspect.
People like smokers have distinctive perspectives and thoughts and they use NHS professional and experts advices because they have excellent and exceptional knowledge of the cure services and mainly targeted at delivering outstanding care services to the public for their betterment. Henceforth, it can be said that smoking adductors can get assistance and consultant with the professionals and take care themselves.
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With reference to the smoking issue, NHS employ different kind of loyal organizational practices as a methods of prevention of their addictive habits. Health care service providers mainly aims at bringing and boosting health awareness among community, therefore, they educate people by health promotion campaigns. It enable NHS to take several actions under the smoke cessation program and thereby minimize its spreader. On the contrary, in the community, people have to obey and adhere with the local health care regulations, rules, principles and legislations at the time of using tobacco containing products (Sarmiento and Sarmiento, 2017). For instance, people are restricted to not to offer such goods to the teenagers which have a positive impact on the society. Further, smoke cessations plans and program that are either organized by the NHS and health ministry plays a vital role in preventing and prohibiting the smoking issues in the society. It can be evident from the Change 4 Life program which is joined by larger number of smokers to bring change in their behavior and mitigate their smoking habits for exceeding their life expectancy and better survival (McManus, 2013).
There are number of factors which has a strong influence over the different perspectives over the changing period. It is obvious that profit-oriented business aims at promoting their profitability therefore, they wish to sell high quantity of tobacco goods as much as they can for drive in larger return. It creates difficulties for the statutory bodies and healthcare providers i.e. NHS to fight against tobacco. The promotional plans and strategies used by the companies boost and encourage people to smoke such illicit substances. As a result, smokers who are willing to get rid of it adversely affected by the social factors. In accordance with the social model of health care, smokers who are strongly decided to quit their smoking habits affected by other smokers, personal beliefs, thoughts and so on, which in turn, they will be demotivated in their quit decisions (Silveira Filho and et.al., 2017). Besides this, in the modern era, people are aware about the negative impact of smoking such as risk of lung diseases, cancer and others which can be badly harmed their health. Apart from this, governmental rules, regulations and laws also played a major role as they are consistently changed and updated to eliminate this factors from the society for their welfare. In addition, with the use of latest techniques and modernization, health care professionals and experts also gain advanced knowledge to find out the negative impact of smoking and developed modern and unique prevention techniques for the purpose of rendering the excellent care facilities (Milestone in health promotion, 2015).
Health is the important part of society and it is necessary that population pay attention on it and improve their well being. Many national and international issues are get influenced by the local problems. There is interrelationship between national and local attitude. There are many factors that influence the attitude of local public such as culture, social etc (Rechel and et.al, 2013). Sometimes culture of particular society do not allow the individual to take particular treatment. In addition to this, it statistical fact that many of the health care organizations do not provide quality care services to the patients that influence their mind and make them negative towards the care home. If human being do not get care from the medical professionals then they will not trust on them. Users those who live in the rural area their behavior get changed if any small modification takes place in the health care sector. They think that now they will not get satisfactory services and they will have to face big trouble.
Health and social care is the sector which is related with the life of people, if care homes or NHS provides then quality care services then they became positive towards the sector but if they do not get good treatment then their attitude get influenced (Coyte and McKeever, 2016). Statics show that in the UK there are many patients those who are suffering from overweight and obesity. That is the biggest threat to health and well being of human being. For improving the health condition of population government has implemented various strategies so that welling of the persons can get improved. For minimizing the issue related to overweight, diabetes and obesity authorities have started camps of exercises. In which medical professionals guide people benefits of exercises and health diet so that they can improve their health soon. It makes them aware with the diseases and their causes so that people can get alert and pay more attention on their health. Many promotional camps have been conducted by national level organization and international level firms such as NHS for making them aware (Guest, 2014). it supported in educating people about the drawback of ill health and provides solution of improving their well being. By this way NHS would be able to change their behavior of local public that can help in reducing the issues related to health care sector.
In case of issues related to health, population sometimes people react loud. It is necessary to evaluate their attitude and behavior on specific health problems such as obesity or diabetes. There are many related problems face by the public but in UK the major problems is obesity. It is considered as epidemic health issue. It is rising problems that is taking place in children and adolescents (McCarthy and Wright, 2016). There are many medical professionals, health care organizations those which are working for reducing the health problems of the human being. In the UK government has introduced the sugar tax for soft drink companies just to reduce problem of diabetes and diabetes (Payne, 2015).
It is necessary to educate the people about their well being, government needs to develop strategies that can measure attitude and behavior of public towards their health problems (Mason, Leavitt and Chaffee, 2013). UK is the developed country in which most of the patients who are suffering from the obesity and diabetes are living in urban cities. It is necessary that suffer ed persons change their life style to improve their health. Apart from this they have to do regular exercise and have to take proper diet. In the UK country children like to eat fast food they do not have any knowledge about bad defect of fast food. Health promotion camps and survey have helped to great extent in reducing the health issues of diabetes and obesity. Anti smoking campaign has been launched that makes people aware with the negative effects of smoking. Apart from this NHS conducts survey just to find out the number of cases of patients those who are suffering from obesity and diabetes (Hogle, 2014). By this way get to know about disease level in the nation and they implement new strategies to reduce such type of issues from the society.
Health related problems are increasing in the United Kingdom to great extent. It is necessary that people take it seriously and take immediate action to improve their health related problems (Payne, 2015). If population do not care about their health then it may creates consequences to them. It is found that standards of health care services are not good in the UK so media played a significant role in this respect. They have reported to health inequalities departments about the issue. It is found that persons those who live in the rural areas they do not have much knowledge about the health problems and reasons of diseases (Hogle, 2014). Even it is found that rural people do not get proper treatment on time, some times due to this mortality rate in the country is increasing. Due to improper care services patients lose their trust from the care homes and hospitals and they use traditional methods for curing their disease.
Apart from this low education is another consequences of contemporary thinking. In the modern era people are much more busy in their jobs and they have not time for their health (McCarthy and Wright, 2016). But if they pay more attention to their health then demand of social care services can get increased. Government and health department is continuously paying attention on these issues and developing such strategies that can help in minimizing the health issues of the society and in improving the health condition of the community. With the help of media people are getting aware about the health problems and they are paying more attention on their well being (Coyte and McKeever, 2016). It is found that mortality rates has been decreased to great extent. By this way behavior of people have been changed to great extent, if people any more focus on their health and change their behavior then it may help in reducing cases of obesity and diabetes from the country. Contemporary thinking may get replaces by modern thoughts that can improve health of the society (Rechel and et.al, 2013).
From the above report it can be concluded that general public has to be more aware for the health and they must pay focus on healthy diet and regular exercise. Government, media are the important players of health care sector they play significant role in this respect. Media is the great player that can influence the activity of public and can make them positive towards their well being and social care services. By making people aware and by giving them education their attitude and behavior can get influenced.
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